Mixed Adult Groups

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There are so many ways to get connected at Knox...
Rōpū/Small Groups
We have a range of different bible study groups that you can join as being a part of our faith community. We have mixed adult groups, women's groups and men's groups.
Feel free to email the church office at office@knox.org.nz if you are interested in a particular group.
Mondays 7.30 - 9:30pm (weekly)
Bible Study in Normandale
Led By: Rob and Joy McIntosh
Tuesday 7.30pm (fortnightly)
Young Adults (YAK)
Led By: Tina and Steve Hudson
Wednesdays 7.30pm (4th Wednesday of each month)
Faith Explorers’ group
Led By: Archie Kerr
Womens Groups
Thursdays 7.30pm (weekly)
Bible Study in Upper Hutt
Led By: Gordon Dempsey
Thursday 7:30pm-9pm Knox Choir (weekly)
Worship through Music at Knox
Led By: Marg McLay
Fridays 6:00pm (fortnightly)
Bible Study in Epuni
Led By: Fiona and Neil Hearn
Mondays 1—3pm (weekly) Bible Study at Knox
Led By: Dorothy Gray
Wednesdays 10am (2nd and 4th weeks of the month) Bible Study
Led By: Viv Ball
Wednesday 1-3pm (fortnightly) Prayer and Bible Study in Stokes Valley
Led By: Maureen Rodger
Wednesdays 7.30pm (2nd and 4th week of month) Bible Study
Led By: Rubee Yee
Mens Groups
Tuesday 12.30pm-1.30pm
Weekly Fellowship and Prayer over lunch at Knox
Led By: Ross Caughley
Wednesdays 7.30pm
Fortnightly Bible study at Knox
Led By: Peter Ashton