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Donation Options

Knox has two options to donate, either by our envelope system or by online donation.

As we are a registered charity we issue tax receipts at the end of each financial year.

If you would like a tax receipt at the end of the financial year, please contact us to get a giving number for your donations.

Online Donation 

Bank:  BNZ
Branch:  Lower Hutt
Account Name:  Knox Presbyterian Church
Account Number: 02 0528 0033206 02
Particulars: (Your name)
Reference: (Your giving number)

Including these reference details will help us to make sure that you are issued with an accurate tax receipt.

If you don’t have a giving number or don’t know what your number is please email the Knox Office at



If you would like to donate by placing a numbered envelope in the giving box, please also contact us so we can organise a set of envelopes for you.

Contact the office

Contact us to get a giving number or envelopes

Thank you, we will email you back soon!

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