The Dalgetty family was recruited by Messrs McEwen and Miller, agents for the New Zealand Company, on 19 April 1841
Dalgetty, Alex. (wife Janet), agri. Lab., Zoar by Forfar, M 36/30, B under 1, G 9 Dalgetty, David, Zoar by Forfar, single aged 15.
Alexander Dalgety was born 13 September 1799 and baptised 15 September at Brechin in Angus, son of David Dalgety and Ann Creighton.
Janet Ross is almost certainly the Janet who was christened on 26 May, 1805 in the parish of Lethnot and Navar in Angus, daughter of James Ross and Jean Archibald.
Alexr. Dalgety married Jessie Ross on 12 December 1826 at Forfar in Angus.
Their children listed below were all born in the parish of Forfar.
Isobel Dalgety birth: 08 Feb 1832 christening: 26 Feb 1832
Ann Dalgety birth: 30 Jul 1829 christening: 09 Aug 1829
David Dalgety birth: 02 Dec 1827 christening: 05 Dec 1827
Alexr. Dalgety birth: 02 Jun 1835 christening: 14 Jun 1835
James Dalgety birth: 20 Sep 1840 christening: 04 Oct 1840
The family arrived at Port Nicholson on 16 October 1841 on the ship “Arab”. The ship had left Gravesend on 5 June 1841 under the command of Captain John Sumner.
The passenger list shows:
Dalgetty Alexander 36 Agricultural Labourer
Janet 30
Daughter 9
Son Infant
David 15 Agricultural Labour
The nine year old daughter will be Isobel and the infant son James. At least one other child was born after their arrival in New Zealand. This was Mary, born about 1850.
In the Wellington Independent for 11 February 1846, the list of all persons qualified to serve as Jurors for the District of Port Nicholson for the year, 1846 includes “Dalgity, Alexander; Old Karori road, labourer.”
The following year New Zealand Spectator of 10 February 1847 List of Jurors includes “Dalgetty, Alexander, Tinakori Road, labourer.”
A few years later the family had moved to the Hutt and purchased a block of land.
Deed No.364 (folio 274) Part of Country Section 178 Hutt District Plan in Deed: Yes. Conveyance dated 31 October 1853. Deed registered 04 February 1854. Robert Park of Wellington, civil engineer to Alexander Dalgity of the valley of the Hutt, labourer and David Dalgity of the valley of the Hutt, labourer. “… agreed to sell to the said Alexander Dalgity for the sum of ninety pounds. Forty five pounds whereof was then paid and the residue was to be paid twelve months from that time and which residue hath since been duly paid… And whereas the said Alexander Dalgity purchased the land for and with the money of the said David Dalgity and hath requested the said Robert Park to convey the same land to him the said David Dalgity accordingly.” Bounded towards the north by Crown Land, towards the east by the River Hutt, towards the southwest by other part of Section 178 and towards the northwest by Crown Land. Signed by Alexander Dalgity in the presence of Alexander Milne of Hutt Valley, farmer and John Milne of Hutt Valley, farmer. Signed by Robert Park at Wanganui in the presence of D. S. Durie of Wanganui, resident magistrate and Thomas Waters of Wanganui, merchant.
Whether this is the land that the family farmed in later years when their address is given as Waiwhetu is doubtful, as this section must be towards the western side of the valley if it was west of the Hutt River.
There are several references to farming activities over the ensuing years.
Wellington Independent, 3 May 1864. HUTT MARKET. WEDNESDAY, 4th MAY, 1864, MR. JOHN H. HORNER will sell by public auction at the Hutt Market, on Wednesday, 4th inst. THE FOLLOWING STOCK. By order of Mr ALEX, DALGITY. Very choice Dairy Cows, Fat Bullocks, Store Cattle, and one Thorough-bred Bull.
Evening Post, 17 March 1877, The Prize Butter. To The Editor of The Evening Post.
Sir In your paper of last evening I noticed a local that Mr. H. Southee had authorised you to state that he had obtained the special prize for butter at the Hutt Show. It is true there was some butter entered in the name of H. Southee, and obtained the first prize, but a protest was lodged by Mr. W. Brown (he being second) against him, on the ground that he not being in possession of any cows, it was not reasonable that he should be a buttermaker. The stewards met at once, and after hearing evidence of persons acquainted with the facts, and also Mr. Southee's statement that he had obtained the butter from Mr. Dalgetty, of the Waiwetu (who did not care to enter it), asked him (Mr. Southee) to enter it for him, which he kindly did in his own name, being ignorant that it was against the regulations. The stewards disqualified him, and gave the prize to Mr. W. Brown. The object of the society is the improvement of agricultural interests, but I think the reverse would be obtained if men like Mr. Southee were not checked in their endeavour to obtain credit for other persons' industry. Our committee at the present time are in great difficulties regarding similar questions; but it is their intention to try and lay down a scale for the next show, by which industrious persons shall be encouraged, and to put down those who would try to rob them of the credit of their industry. It must be acknowledged that if persons were able to make butter without cows, or grow produce without land or labour, there would be no one very willing to slave as they have to do now for so little remuneration. I am, etc, J. W. Corbett. Taita, 15th March.
Evening Post, 24 March 1877. THE PRIZE BUTTER.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE EVENING POST. Sir, Your impression of the 2nd March contained an advertisement that special prizes would be given at the Hutt show. It was stated that Mr. Dutton would present an inkstand, valued at £1 10s. for the best 6 lbs of printed butter. No conditions were imposed, and, as an extensive dealer in butter, I exhibited some which I had bought of Mr. Dalgetty. I did not enter it as my own make, but simply as my butter. When asked by Mr. Corbett as to who the maker was, I told him that it was Mr. Dalgetty, but I distinctly deny having told him that Mr. Dalgetty had asked me to enter it for him. Mr. Corbett states that the object of the society, of which he is the secretary, would not be attained if persons such as I were not checked in their endeavour to obtain credit for other people's industry. May I ask him what industrious people would do without people like myself who go from farm to farm to purchase produce for the market, which would not be properly supplied without us. Mr. Dalgetty wishes me to state that he sold me the butter, but never asked me to enter it for exhibition. I am, &c., Henry Southee. Hutt, 22nd March.
Alexander and his son David were also involved in the local militia as these two newspaper reports indicate.
Wellington Independent, 17 April 1860. LIST OF NAMES FOR THE MILITIA, APRIL 16, 1860. Dalgity, David, River Hutt, farmer Dalgity, Alexander, River Hutt, farmer.
Wellington Independent, 2 January 1864. Militia and Volunteers. The following appointments appear in a General Government Gazette of the 23rd inst. In the Taita Rifle Volunteers: William Whitewood to be Captain. Date of Commission, 3rd December, 1863. William Read Welch to be Lieutenant. Date of Commission, 3rd December, 1863. David Dalgity to be Ensign. Date of Commission 3rd December, 1863.
Alexander Dalgety died in 1882.
Evening Post DEATHS. 20 October 1882. Dalgety - At Waiwetu, Hutt, Alexander Dalgety, aged 87 years.
Evening Post, 20 October 1882) The Friends of the late Mr. Alexander Dalgety are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral, to leave his residence, Waiwetu, for the Scotch Church Burial Ground, Hutt, on SATURDAY, 21st October, 1882, at 2 o'clock p.m. Joseph Hall, Undertaker.
Evening Post, 20 October 1882. Another very old settler has passed away at the ripe age of 87 years. Mr. Alexander Dalgety arrived at Wellington in the ship Arab from Bristol, England, in October, 1841, under the auspices of the New Zealand Company. He has lived in or near the Waiwetu, Hutt, for the last 41 years, where he occupied his time in farming pursuits. He was very much respected by all who knew him. He, in common with the early settlers of the Hutt, had to endure the hardships of the native war, together with the depression that resulted therefrom. Being a man of a retiring disposition, he never mixed up with any public or political matters. By his own request, he will be interred at the Scotch Church burial-ground, of which he was one of the original purchasers, and about 33 years ago he assisted in clearing off the bush in order to make it suitable for the purpose it is now used for. He leaves a widow and three children and several grandchildren to lament his death.
Evening Post 22 March 1893. FUNERAL NOTICE. The friends of the late Mrs. Janet Dalgety are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, which will leave her late residence, Waiwetu, Lower Hutt, for the Knox Church Cemetery, Blackbridge, on Thursday, 23rd instant, at 2.30 p.m. JOSEPH HALL. Undertaker.
Janet had died the previous day, on 21 March, and her son James died 4 days later on 25 March. James does not appear to have married. Both were buried in Blackbridge Cemetery, as had Alexander been earlier.
Evening Post 29 March 1893. In the matter of the Estate of Janet Dalgetty and James Dalgetty, late of Waiwhetu, in the Hutt County, deceased. Take Notice that accounts of all debts due by the above-named deceased must be sent in to us before Monday, the 1st day of May, now next, otherwise the same will not be recognised. Travers & Wilford, Solicitors, 15, Featherston Street, Wellington.
Evening Post, 3 July 1893, WEDNESDAY, 5th JULY, At 2.30 o'clock. In the Estate of J. Dalgetty, deceased. On the Premises, Nainai, Hutt. AJ. REED has received instructions to sell by auction as above, without reserve. One chestnut horse, farmer's delivery cart, set harness, horse rug, fowls, chairs, tables, bedsteads, crockery, and household utensils. Special Entries will be received for horses, &c, on the day of sale.
Evening Post, 7 November, 1893. MONDAY, 13th NOVEMBER, 1893, At 2.30 o'clock. Estate of James Dalgety, deceased. Splendid Freehold Property, Lower Hutt. Messrs J H BETHUNE & CO. are instructed by the Administratrix of the Estate of the late Mr. James Dalgety to sell by public auction, at their rooms, Featherston street, on Monday, 13th November, at 2.30 o'clock— That valuable Block of first class Freehold Land, situated in the Hutt District, containing 12 ACRES 2 ROODS (more or less), 1 being part of Section No. 26, on the plan of the Hutt District, having a frontage of 599 links to the Waiwetu road, together with the cottage erected thereon, as the same was lately occupied by the said Mr. James Dalgety. Title - Land Transfer Act. For further particulars, and conditions of sale, apply to Messrs. TRAVERS & WILFORD, Solicitors. Or to J. H. BETHUNE & CO., Auctioneers.
Evening Post, 14 November 1893. The homestead property of the late Mr. James Dalgety, at the Lower Hutt, comprising about 12 acres of land and cottage, was sold at auction yesterday afternoon, by Messrs. J. H. Bethune & Co., to Mr. Henry Knight for £625.
Isabella married Henry Knight in 1856.
No. 39 Married 02 May 1856 at the private residence of Alexander Dalgity by Rev William Dron and others. Henry Knight, bachelor, Agriculturalist, aged 21yrs 3 months, resident at the Hutt for 16yrs. To Isabella Dalgity, spinster, aged 24yrs, resident at the Hutt for 14yrs
Date of Certificate: 02 May 1856 Intention to Marry Notice – Archives NZ Reference BDM 20/1/1.
They were to have ten children:
William 1857-1906,
John 1858-1935,
Mary 1860-1946,
George 1861-1939,
Samuel 1863-1935,
David 1865-1922,
Isabella 1867-1949,
Alexander Daniel 1868-1951,
James 1872-1953
Henry, 1875 –
Evening Post, 9 July 1914. DEATH OF AN OLD SETTLER. By the death of Mr. Henry Knight, which occurred in the Davis-street private hospital yesterday, the Lower Hutt has lost one of its early settlers. Mr. Knight, who was seventy-four years of age, was brought out from England by his parents when he was a child, and had lived at the Hutt ever since, being engaged at farming nearly the whole time. On Friday last he was removed into town and underwent an operation for an internal trouble. He has left a widow and a family of six sons and two daughters. Two of the sons (Messrs. James and Henry Knight) and a daughter (Mrs. J. Gordon) are still living in the Hutt district.
Isabella died five years later, on 17 May 1919 in Lower Hutt.
In 1868 David Dalgity married Jane Stoodley.
Their children were:
Jessie 1870,
Sarah 1872,
Annie 1873,
James 1874,
Louisa 1876.
In the Evening Post, 7 May 1872 appears the following: “The following persons are objected to as not being entitled to have their names retained on the list of voters for the electoral district of the Hutt. Dalgetty, David Lower Hutt freehold. Parted with qualification.”
It appears that he had moved from the Hutt to the Wairarapa a year or so before this.
Evening Post, 1 March 1876, Sheep Inspectors Report. Returns Wairarapa and East Coast districts for the year ending 31st December, 1875, with amount of Assessment thereon. Dalgetty, D., Taratahi 228 clean 9s 6d.
David died tragically at Taratahi, north of Carterton, a few years later.
Evening Post, 18 April 1881, On Saturday evening at about half-past ten as Mr. David Dalgetty, an old settler, was riding home from Carterton, he fell or was thrown from his horse. After being brought back to Ray's Hotel, Taratahi, he was found to be insensible, and Dr. Watts attended, but gave no hopes of recovery. Yesterday morning at about 11 o'clock Dalgetty died, not having recovered consciousness. An inquest was fixed to be held to-day.
An inquest was held, and a detailed report published in Wairarapa Daily Times of 20 April 1881. The report ends with the following: “By the foreman. He was never conscious after I saw him. Stimulants wore administered and efforts made to arouse him, but without effect. The jury at once returned a verdict of "Accidental death, caused by a fall from a horse," The deceased was about 56 years of age and an old resident in New Zealand, though his travels had extended to Californian and Australian shores. He leaves a wife and five young children.”
This comment about his travels is partially borne out by this advertisement from the Wellington Independent, 13 April 1853. 11th April, schooner Australian, 115 tons, Pearse, from Melbourne. Passengers—Sarah Ellis, Mary Ann Brown, Messrs; A. Petherick, B. Perry, Thomas Ellis, D. Smyton, T. Anderson, P. McIlery, P. McGregor, J. Chappel, W. Beresford, S. Prouse, J. Shaw, B. Graham, J. McIntosh, G., E., W., and I. Brown, D. Garie, R. Prouse, B.Felgate, J. Pollard, W, Pollard, D., and P., McWilliam, D. Dalgity, R. Farmer, J. Burling, W. Newcombe, W. Fell, J. Dix, J. Harrel, J. Thompson, D. Petherick, J. Dansin, S.Ellis, E. Brown, T. Weatherhead.
This was at the time of the Victorian gold rush, and the California gold rush had occurred four years earlier. Fairly obviously his travels were for this reason.
Wairarapa Daily Times, 13 September 1881. TENDERS are invited for leasing for a term of seven years from 1st October next, the farm of 200 acres situated at Taratahi, and known as David Dalgity's Farm. Full particulars can be obtained from Messrs Beard & Gray, solicitors, at their offices in Carterton and Greytown. Tenders to be sent in to Mr Henry Knight, the Hutt, on or before the 24th September. The highest tender not necessarily accepted.
Evening Post, 15 September 1881. Important Unreserved Sale. SHEEP, HORSES, AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS. F. H. WOOD & CO. have received instructions from the Trustee in the estate of D. Dalgity (deceased) to sell by public auction, on the premises known as Dalgity's Farm, East Taratahi, on the above date, at 2 p.m., ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT RESERVE, 154 mixed ewes— part hoggets, part with lamb at foot, 86 mixed wethers, nearly all young sheep 1 ram 3 horses Ploughs, harrows, spring trap and harness, cart and harness, saddle and bridle, cornmill, S.B. gun, grass seed, grindstone, garden and carpenters' tools, &c, &c Sale at 2 p.m. No reserve.
Another tragedy was to hit the family 12 years later when David’s only son, James, also died in an accident involving a horse.
Wairarapa Daily Times, 20 December 1895. The adjourned inquest on the body of James Dalgity was concluded on Wednesday. The evidence of deceased's brother-in-law, Ardent Wilton, went to show that deceased stayed at his house, Te Ore Ore, on the previous night, and went away between five and six o'clock next morning on horseback, intending to reach Mr Strang's station at 8 a.m. He had no overcoat on, nor as far as witness knew any money on him. A verdict was returned that deceased was accidentally drowned in the Taueru River on the morning of December 9th.
The other member of the Dalgetty family, Mary, married Thomas Jex Scraggs.
Evening Post, 25 April 1885. Scraggs – Dalgety - On 23rd April, 1885, at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev W. C. Oliver, Thomas J. Scraggs, to Mary, youngest daughter of the late Alexander Dalgety, farmer, Waiwetu.
The couple had one daughter, Alice Maud Mary, born 1886. Mary died in 1930, her husband having pre-deceased her, dying in 1899.
In a newspaper article in 1894 Thomas is described as a painter of Newtown, Wellington.