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Herbert Edwin Samuells died on 16 May 1890.

Little is known about his life during his time in New Zealand. The only references found prior to his death were:

Evening Post, 7 August 1885, The Star of Wellington Lodge of Good Templars held their weekly session last evening at No. 9 room, Athenaeum, which, notwithstanding the pouring rain, was well attended. The reports of standing committees were read. The sick report showed that the health of the members was in a good condition, with the exception of two, and it is expected they will soon recover. The financial report showed that there was a balance on the right side after all expenses were met. The Lodge Deputy, with the assistance of two visiting brothers, installed the following offioers, who were elected at last meeting: Bro. M'Bain, W.C.T. Sister Blyth, W.V.T. Bro. Samuells, W.S. Bro. Bainton, W.F.S. Bro. Hall, W.T. Sister Hunt, W.C. Bro. Guise, W.M. Bro. Gawler, W.IG.; Bro. Gray, W.O.G. Bro. Richardson, W.A.S. Sister Tocker, W.D.M.; Bro. W. Johnson, P. W.C.T. Several readings were given, and two brothers and a sister sang a part song. It was agreed that a singing class be formed in connection with the Lodge, one of the brothers offering his services to conduct it. A good meeting was brought to a close in the usual way.

Evening Post 16 June 1886.      I.O.G.T. Star of Wellington Lodge, No. 2. A Rehearsal will be held in the above Lodge room, Athenaeum, at 7.30 o'clock TO-NIGHT. H. Samuells, Secretary.     


Following Herbert’s death these advertisements appeared:

Evening Post, 2nd July, 1890. In the Supreme Court of New Zealand, Wellington District. Saturday the 28th June, 1890. Upon reading the affidavits of Robert Chisenhall Hamerton, of Wellington, Public Trustee, and of William Leycester Samuells, of Wellington, gentleman, it is ordered that the Public Trustee shall be administrator of all the real and personal estate of HERBERT EDWIN SAMUELLS, late of Upper Belmont, farmer, deceased. (Signed) JAMES PRENDERGAST, C.J. All persons indebted to the above-named deceased are requested, to pay the amounts of their several accounts to me. Also, All persons having claims against the said estate are requested to forward the same to me on or before Wednesday, the 30th day of July next. N.B.— Any claim not sent in by the day named will be liable to be excluded from participation. R. C. HAMERTON, Public Trustee. Public Trust Office, Wellington

Evening Post, 9 August 1890.   In the Estate of Herbert Edwin Samuels, Deceased. Baker Bros, have been authorised by R. C. Hamerton, Esq., the Public Trustee, to sell by public auction, in their Property Auction Mart, Lambton quay, on Wednesday, the 20th August next, at 2.30 p.m. Lot 1. Brooklyn, Section No. 103, Cleveland street, containing 33 perches, on which is erected a cosy four-roomed verandah cottage, built with a view to comfort, occupied by Mr. Rasmussen. Easy terms can be arranged. The house is at present let at 7s per week. Title— Land Transfer Act.

He was buried in the Blackbridge cemetery.

Herbert Edwin Samuells was born 7 May 1855 and christened 13 May 1855 at Cuttack, Bengal, India, son of Edward Alexander Samuells and Anna Charlotte (nee Pringle)

Other members of the family were:

William Leycester Samuells birth:17 July 1841 PATNA, Bengal, India: christening: 27 November 1841 residence: 1841    Bengal, India

Edward Walker Samuells birth: 6 July 1842  christening: 19 November 1842 Patna, Bengal, India

Alexander Pringle Samuells birth: 8 May 1843 christening:  9 November 1843 Patna, Bengal, India

Charles Archibald Samuells  birth: 12 March 1846: christening:12 August 1846, Calcutta, Bengal, India

Henry Allen Samuells birth: 30 September 1853 christening: 17 December 1853 Calcutta, Bengal, India.

Edward Alexander Samuells had married Anna Charlotte Pringle on 1 June 1840 at Dinapore, Bengal, India

Edward Alexander Samuells had been christened on 28 December 1814 at Westmoreland, Jamaica, son of Paul Stevens Samuells and Isabella Samuells.

Anna Charlotte Pringle was born 26 September 1822 at Berhampore, Bengal, India, daughter of William Alexander Pringle and Anna Elizabeth Pringle.

William Alexander Pringle had married Anna Elizabeth Dawney on 16 June 1817, Patna, Bengal, India.

In the 1861 census we find Herbert Edwin Samuells, born about 1856 in Bengal, India. Rel to Head of Household: Son. Living in Paddington, Middlesex.

In the Scotland Census 1871 Herbert E Samuells appears aged15 Birthplace: ----   Registration District: Erskine, County: Renfrewshire.

There also appears to have been a strong family link with Edinburgh:

Henry Allan Samuells grave monument. Dean 2e Cemetery, Edinburgh, Lothian, Scotland

Full name                                age       birth     death   relationship                                             

Henry Allan Samuells                3         1867    1870      first name on monument                       

Robert Samuells                                   1875                  brother of Henry Allan Samuells                    

Edward Walker Samuells                                               brother of Henry Allan Samuells                         

Paul Stevens Samuells            76           1774   1850      father of Henry Allan Samuells          

Isabella Walker                        81           1772   1853      mother of Henry Allan Samuells                    

Edward Alexander Samuells                            1860       brother of Henry Allan Samuells            

Anna Charlotte Pringle           70         1823    1893        sister-in-law of Henry Allan Samuells

Records show that Herbert Samuells’s brother William served in the army in India. Prior to that he appears in the 1851 census of Inveresk, Midlothian: William L Samuels born: abt 1841 in India, Pupil.

Lieutenant William Leycester Samuells, late 11th Native Infantry. Dated 22d October 1858.   Edninburgh Gazette June 25 1857.

Indian Army Quarterly List for 1 January 1912 Surname: Samuells                                         

Given Name: William Leycester                                                                                             

Rank: Col.                                                                                                                             

Corps: B.                                                                                                                                   

Date of Birth: 14 July 41                                                                                                                

Date of 1st commission: 20 Nov. 57                                                                                                    

Date of Rank: 20 Nov. 87                                                                                                      

Date of Retirement: 3 April, 90

His retirement occurred only a few weeks before his brother died in New Zealand. Is that the reason he was living here at that time?

Another question is also raised – was the family living in India because the father was also in the army.

And finally, was the family related to Alexander Pringle who had settled in the Hutt Valley many years before, and had a strong links with the Presbyterian Chapel there?

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